My kids are probably funny to just me….


Funny thing Mg said in the past:

Over a year and a half ago coming home from school talking about an upcoming Upward Bound Soccer game at the local Baptist church.

Mg: Momma how come we don’t go to church where I play soccer. It’s really big and nice.

Me; Yes it is Mg, but it is a Baptist Church and we do not go to a Baptist Church.

Mg: Oh.

Me: Do you know what kind of church we go to?

Mg; Well we must go to the goodest church then!

Me: Not Baddest church, Baptist church! And we are United Methodist, Mg. We go to a United Methodist Church.

Mg; But it is the goodest church isn’t it?!

Funny thing Mg said this week:

Mg: Momma, the church is having a bazaar this Saturday

Me; Yes, I know. I have to be there all day

Mg: Can I come?

Me: I think your dad is going to bring you after your soccer game.

Mg: Oh, can I invite the kids in my class

Me: Mg, you can invite any one you want, but I don’t think your friends will have much fun at the church bazaar.

Mg: But I saw a flyer and they are having a crap fair.

Me: Excuse me, what are they having?

Mg; A crap fair, they are going to sell crap. Our class loves making craps.

Me; No, Mg they are having a craft fair to sell crafts.

Mg; Craft, crap same thing! (so true, so true)

side note: Mg does not know what crap is.

Funny things Mg has done while trying to sing a song:

Jesus loves me , he’s a ghost 

for the bible tells me so

Little ones to Kim belong….

(Kim used to be his and Westers babysitter)

Thy word is a lamp unto My Pete

and a light unto my path

(Pete is our Pastor)

Mg saying the Lord’s prayer

Our father who are there in heaven

How do you know my name

My king cone come, thy will be done

on earth and in heaven

Give us this day our dairy bread

And forgive us our trespasses and those trespasses against us

Lead us not into flirtation but deliver us some evil

For thine is the kingdom , the power, and the glory forever Amen! Mom was that close???

How Westers prays every day:

God is great, Amen!

He is also against any type of long prayer evidently If you pray too long for him, he starts shouting Amen! Hello, Amen!


  1. ShoeShe said,

    November 10, 2008 at 9:04 pm

    I love the “Amen! Hello, Amen!” I wonder if that would have worked for Carlton’s 15-minute prayers.

    Give MG a hug for me. He’s so precious! And, if it’s all the same to you, I’d rather have the crap than the crafts. At least you could use it for fertilizer.

  2. Hey You said,

    November 10, 2008 at 10:32 pm

    OMG I am totally LOLing over here. The Lord’s prayer is the best. Our Greatest church is having a crap fair this weekend too! Maybe the baddest church is what I posted about today. Please go share your thoughts over there. You too Shoeshe, I want to know what you two in particular think.

  3. Ang said,

    November 11, 2008 at 9:33 am

    My favorite is “lead us not into flirtation”. LOL.

  4. ShoeShe said,

    November 11, 2008 at 10:02 am

    Cat, how did you get your twitter to feed on your blog? I couldn’t set mine up that way.

  5. shoeshe said,

    November 11, 2008 at 11:22 am

    Hey Cat! Thanks for the link. I fixed it. Oh, and give yourself an avatar so that Im not the only one whose comments show up with a picture.

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