Because I am just in that mood…

Things that annoy me:

Adult clothing with Looney Toons on them

The Purpose Driven Life book and all products associated with that book

That I forgot to record the office while grocery shopping last night and had to watch in on the computer

The last two Harry Potter Books

The Twighlight craze. (The fist book was ok, they went down hill form there)

People who expect 8 years olds to be competitive

People at Wal-Mart

Things that are crooked or not symmetrical

Not having anything to wear yet owning too much clothing

Bad Sequels

People who nitpick my spelling (it’s not that bad!)

My dog’s bark (it’s a loud noise for such a little dog)

Employees who are rude and unreasonable (if you have two Pizza Hut Buffet cards and you buy tow buffets you should get a punch on each card, not one punch on one card. That makes no sense!

Clutter (even though I surround myself in it)

Christmas decorations that never come down

Leaves in my yard that I do not want to rake

When I tell people something over and over again and then they still seemed suprised by it when it happens

There are lots more but I will stop there because I have housework to do then I have to go to bed sometimes as the church bazaar is tomorrow and the youth are having a youth auction, doing a chili lunch and selling wreaths.

I’m really fine, but it has just been one of those days. It was topped off by my oldest going up to two women in Wal-Mart and saying, “What are you saying? Stop speaking Spanish!”

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